ADMINS project

“Assistants to the Disclosure and Management of Information about Needs and Support” (ADMINS)

Colleagues in the Institute of Educational Technology, including Tim Coughlan and Kate Lister have been researching the impact of administrative processes on the wellbeing of disabled students. One of the outcomes of this has been the Our Journey project I blogged about previously.

Another outcome is the Microsoft-funded ADMINS project, which runs until September 2020. This involves exciting research into the use of chatbot, language understanding and other cognitive services to assist students to inform the University about their health conditions and disabilities, and their needs.

We’re just starting out, and we’re running into some challenges relating to ethics, data privacy … And, lot’s of new concepts and terms like diarization, utterance and intent … fun, fun!

My developer colleagues and I are looking to try Typescript for this project. I’ll update the blog as we progress.

Watch this space!

Photograph of team and Disabled Students Group reps.

We’ve got a great team: Tim Coughlan, Wayne Holmes, Kate Lister, Francisco Iniesto, Jo Watts, Kevin McLeod, Peter Devine, Greg Roach, Richard Greenwood, Paul Maher, Nick Freear

And, we’re working with representatives from OU Students Association Disabled Students Group.

Some of the team and representatives are pictured in the photograph above. (Left to right: Francisco, Greg, Peter, Kate, Stephanie, Tim, Megan, Chris.)

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